Educación, conexión y emoción

Intentamos enseñar de forma que cada alumno o alumna construya su propio aprendizaje.

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

Reflecting about immigration. 1º Bachillerato unit 1

After the Day of Hispanity, celebrated in most part of Spain, central and South America and by the largest minority community of the US, where it is commemorated as Columbus Day, and being preparing lessons for this week, I have thought to write a new entry in this blog about immigration, the topic we are dealing with in unit 1 of 1º Bachillerato, in which to collect some of the videos, webs and articles I could use in those lessons.

In fact, being registered in the excellent newspaper The Guardian, I have just come across with an interesting article about International students in UK, who seem to be considered as immigrants by part of the population.

What do British feel about immigration? It depends a lot but even in some isolate areas where there are not many immigrants, many people feel they make an impact in their way of life and safety, particularly those coming from certain nationalities and ethnic groups. Which are those they fear the most? Why?

Probably, many Spaniards share with British similar feelings about immigrants here. Although there has been an important drop lately due to the economic crisis, still illegal immigration from poor African countries still keeps relatively high because their permanent crisis is much more serious. Let's see this video about emigrants from Senegal and reflect about the reasons they have to risk their lives.

However, what is the terrible situation most immigrants are living now in our country? Watch this video and reflect about the causes of such a dramatic situation in order to fight against them.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Starting a student's blog.

Hi students,
As there was no connection to the Internet in your classroom last week, you could not see the entry neither the link I wrote and prepared for you last week. I really hope we will be able to work properly
today and see everything I have planned.

The main objective today is to learn how to design a blog in order to reflect about your PLE (Personal Learning Environment).

This is a very simple and useful tutorial to start How to design a blog wit Blogger

Once you start your own blog individually or in pairs, the first entry must be the text you wrote to introduce yourself/yourselves last week.

Let's cross our fingers! May Internet connection work!! 


viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Dear 1st Bachillerato bilingual students,

I want you to design your own blog in pairs or small group today as part of the Project on Personal Learning Environment that you are taking this school year. Here you have a link to You tube that can help you.

Of course, I will also do my best in order to help you understand what means to have an ethical educative blog for you to reflect, curate content and express what you want to share with other teenagers as you.

Designing a blog