Educación, conexión y emoción

Intentamos enseñar de forma que cada alumno o alumna construya su propio aprendizaje.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Starting a student's blog.

Hi students,
As there was no connection to the Internet in your classroom last week, you could not see the entry neither the link I wrote and prepared for you last week. I really hope we will be able to work properly
today and see everything I have planned.

The main objective today is to learn how to design a blog in order to reflect about your PLE (Personal Learning Environment).

This is a very simple and useful tutorial to start How to design a blog wit Blogger

Once you start your own blog individually or in pairs, the first entry must be the text you wrote to introduce yourself/yourselves last week.

Let's cross our fingers! May Internet connection work!! 


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